Sony utx-p1 manual














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UHF Synthesized Transmitter User Manual details for FCC ID AK8UTXP1 made by Sony Corporation. Document Includes User Manual User Manual. UTX-H2. UHF SYNTHESIZED TUNER UNIT. URX-M2. UHF SYNTHESIZED DIVERSITY TUNER. URX-P2. UHF SYNTHESIZED TRANSMITTER. UTX-P1. SERVICE MANUAL. 1st Edition.The transmitters include the UTX-B2 bodypack transmitter, the UTX-H2 handheld microphone, and the UTX-P1 plug-on transmitter, while the receivers include user guides and service manuals. sony utx p1 manual pdf utx- h03 handheld transmitter, urx- p03 portable approx. para transmisores utx- b1 y utx- h1 sony utx h1 User manual instruction guide for UHF Synthesized Transmitter UTXP1 Sony Corporation. Setup instructions, pairing guide, and how to reset. Manuals and User Guides for Sony UTX-P1. We have 1 Sony UTX-P1 manual available for free PDF download: Brochure View the Users Manual for the Sony model UTXB2 UHF Synthesized Transmitter Inserting the plug-on transmitter (UTX-P1) into the supplied soft case. UTX-H2. UHF SYNTHESIZED TUNER UNIT. URX-M2. UHF SYNTHESIZED DIVERSITY TUNER. URX-P2. UHF SYNTHESIZED TRANSMITTER. UTX-P1. SERVICE MANUAL. 1st Edition Sony UWPV6/4244 Manual Online: Plug-On Transmitter (Utx- P1). Front side Bottom side a Audio input connector (XLR type) Connect a microphone or a line

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