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Experiments. 1. Physical properties of minerals: Identification of i. Rock Forming minerals - Quartz group, Feldspar group, Garnet group, Mica group & TalcThe identification of different types of rocks and understanding their behavior are the major objectives of geology. Further, development of cracks, fissures in Experiment. Page No. Aim, Objectives, Theory and Procedures of. Experiment 1 to 5. 2-3. 1. Geological cross section and study of geological map no-1. 2. Laboratory Study and Observations of Physical Properties of Minerals. 3. Study of Rocks Referred under theory. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY LABORATORY. MANUAL. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Study of physical properties and identification of rock forming minerals ENGINEERING GEOLOGY LAB. List of Experiments. 1. Study of Physical properties of minerals. 2. Identification of rocks forming silicate and ore minerals. Identification of Rocks in Hand Specimen. 5. Identification of Geological features through wooden Models a. Structural Geological Diagrams b. Petrological Main factors used in the classification of igneous rocks. Order of crytallisation in which minerals are formed. Petrogenesis. PEGMATITE. I Petrography. 1. The identification of different types of rocks and understanding their behavior are Engineering mechanics lab manual electrical simulation lab manual
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